Inclusion and our SEND offer

Our Houlton School Inclusion family consists of a number of professionals who are resolutely focused on your child’s individual needs.

Baljit Dhadwal Head of Faculty: Inclusion (SENDCo)
Phoebe Forrest Associate SENDCo
Chloe Buckenham Vice Principal
Ben Coleman Head of Faculty: English and Literacy

The SEND team can be contacted directly by clicking here.

All of our teaching assistants' profiles can be found on our Meet the Team page of this website.

Inclusion Faculty Vision

Our vision is for a truly inclusive education, where all pupils achieve their potential academically and personally, regardless of attainment levels on entry or disability. We aim to increase whole school and community awareness of the importance of excellent “quality first” teaching and providing equity of opportunity for all pupils. We are committed to providing an integrated, adaptive and inclusive curriculum to meet individual needs, promoting positive achievement and independence for all.

In the Inclusion Faculty we will endeavour to support teachers in providing all pupils with appropriate and effective access to the subject curriculum. We promote equality and equity by raising awareness of our unique pupils’ individual needs, ensuring different and diverse pupils learn side-by-side in the same learning environment. All pupils have access to the same enrichment activities, opportunities to contribute to leadership and school governance and attend school trips. Young people and their families are at the heart of all that we do, taking part in decisions that affect them and setting ambitious outcomes.

A tiered programme of bespoke, evidence based provision ensures that pupils with SEND receive targeted support that is well-matched to address any barriers that pupils are experiencing with their learning. These are delivered by a team of specialist Teaching Assistants and Teachers who have received extensive training in adaptations within the areas they deliver.

Our aim is that pupils of Houlton leave us happy and successful, equipped with the strategies they need to ensure that they have the confidence to be relentless in their pursuit of their dreams, hopes and aspirations.


Please click below for our full Houlton SEND Information Report and Local Offer.

Houlton SEND Information Report
SEND Transition Booklet

Information about Warwickshire Local Authority’s SEND local offer can be found here

A truly lovely #WorldClass place; everything here works - staff, pupils, learning environment, leadership, collaboration: where joy is a real part of the curriculum.
Miranda Perry - Director of World Class Schools Quality Mark