Music at Houlton School

Houlton school is fully committed to Music education, as expressed in our National Music Development Plan here:

National Music Development Plan - Houlton School

We are delighted to be able to offer a wide range of instrumental music tuition here at Houlton School. Pupils can learn; Piano, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drums, Brass (including Trumpet and Trombone), Woodwind (including Flute and Clarinet), Orchestral Strings and Singing. We can offer these either in house, or through our partnership with Warwickshire Music. Instrument hire is also available through Warwickshire Music and can be arranged if you are having lessons at Houlton School.

We are also able to offer free instrumental tuition to all pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.

If you would like to sign up for a Music lesson at Houlton, you can either sign up with Warwickshire Music via the link below, or contact the school via

Sign up for Warwickshire Music lessons here