Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form offer will open in the academic year 2026-27; a finalised curriculum will then be confirmed in response to national qualification reform currently taking place, including the introduction of T-Levels.
When our pupils’ transition to Sixth Form ‘students’ our expectations of excellence will continue and our Sixth Form will act as role models to younger pupils in the school. The Vice Principal for Behaviour, Personal Development and Safety will have strategic overview of the Post 16 provision, beginning the initial launch at the start of the academic year 2026/27. This will be our September 2021 cohort’s first Sixth Form entry and we aim to inspire as many pupils to ‘stay on’ and complete their seven year (7-13) journey with us. We will operate a consortium arrangement both within the Trust and with other schools to ensure our curriculum offer is broad and balanced and to ensure that pupils are not ever precluded from their preferred options because of timetable clashing.
Houlton School Sixth Form will offer and diverse range of subjects, including traditional A Levels options, BTEC and T Level vocational options as well as a wide-ranging enrichment programme. The introduction of T Levels will enable us to cater for all progress routes and to retain pupils who prefer a work based or vocational pathway. In collaboration with TLET and other Trust schools our broad offer will allow us to offer wider and more diverse access routes into traditional higher education, further education, employment and vocational training. Houlton School will work closely with local apprenticeship providers and employers to ensure pupils are exposed to industry opportunities and are well informed regards their options. Pupils in Year 11 will be given personalised CIAG to support their options choices and this tailored approach will dovetail with our lower school careers and personal development programme.
After the sixth form
Pupils wishing to apply for competitive courses and higher-level apprenticeships will be well equipped with the LORIC skills needed to make such applications and will be supported not only academically but also in their wider development thought initiatives such as the Medical Society, Law Society and Houlton HE+ Programme. Our Oxbridge applications focus groups will start in Year 9 with ‘Focus 9’ and continue through into Post 16, tailored to develop the pupils interested in this academic route at an early stage in the skills and experience they will need to make successful applications.
Personal development 
Sixth Form students will continue their LORIC education through a bespoke Post 16 PHSRE package and EPQ. Assemblies and the Personal Development Programme will cover the statutory RSE and PSHE requirements. Students in the Sixth Form will be expected to contribute to the wider community through a Community Service Unit and will be given the option to continue their Pupil Leadership Accreditation and Duke of Edinburgh Award to Graduate and Gold standard respectively. Our Houlton Family culture and Pupil Leadership programmes will continue through into Post 16 with students having the opportunity to become Senior Pupil Leaders, College Leaders, Mentors and Prefects.
It is recognised that students in the Sixth Form will be under additional pressure and there will be a strong focus on well-being both physically and mentally. All students will take part in enrichment focused on Healthy Lifestyles which will include several units on combatting stress as well as compulsory PE/Leisure activities where we will look to create competitive opportunities with other post-16 providers across the Trust and the Borough.