Co-curricular Opportunities

Our co-curricular offer is an integral part of our personal development and LORIC programmes and will support our development of each and every individual.  As part of tending our Houlton family, we believe it is important that all pupils’ skills and interests are nurtured and developed.

As such,

  • it is our ambition that every pupil will wish to commit to one enrichment option as a minimum per fortnight;
    enrichment options will be varied to cater for all pupils;
  • pupil fora will be used to regularly audit that the provision is fit for purpose;
    where appropriate, the enrichment offer will be collaborative with other local secondary academies as they join our Trust;
  • the co-curricular programme will run both during lunchtimes and after school to ensure our wider curriculum is fully inclusive; and
    pupils who commit to and engage well with their enrichment option will be rewarded with R points.
    each member of staff will offer at least one enrichment, and this will be dependent on the skills of the staff recruited.  All enrichment opportunities will be open to all genders;
  • as the school grows some enrichments will be offered vertically, horizontally or by key stage as appropriate.  In addition to our wider curriculum pupils will have several Pupil Leadership opportunities which they can be involved in.  Pupils will undertake a week of work shadowing in Year 10 and 12.
  • all pupils will take part in PiXLEdge in KS3 and this programme will be integrated into tutor Time.  From KS4 onwards PiXLEdge will become an optional enrichment.
  • focus groups for pupils considering competitive Post 16 applications will begin in Year 9.

All activities at Houlton School are all gender, always, with the exception of external sports fixtures where they are single-gender competitions.

For information about our Enrichment Week residential visits to UK (Y7), France (Y8), Spain (Y9) and the London Science Museum, visit Letters Home

Warwickshire Music Hub


We are delighted to be able to offer instrumental and vocal lessons to pupils through the Warwickshire Music Hub service. If you are interested in learning to play a new instrument, or in continuing to learn one you have played in the past, please contact Mrs Burns, PA to the Principal.

The facilities, ethos, opportunities and environment are awe-inspiring. It's truly like an independent school experience - but without the fees!
Y7 Parent