Houlton Stories

  • Work begins to transform iconic Rugby radio building into Houlton School
    15 Jan 2020

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  • Principal Designate is announced

    Mr Michael McCulley has been appointed as Houlton School’s inaugural Principal. Mr McCulley, who has a wealth of experience working in Good and Outstanding schools, has taken up post and is looking forward to working in an area that has a real personal importance to him. Mr McCulley, Principal Designate, said: “I grew up not too far away from Rugby in nearby Leamington Spa, so understand well what a special place to work and live Warwickshire is. “To be the founding Principal of a school so resolutely focused on serving its immediate community was an opportunity too enticing to pass up.
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Houlton School is aspirational for all its pupils...it wants all pupils to achieve well academically and be ready for life in the wider world
Ofsted, 2024