Power Hall Refectory

Our Refectory, fuelled by Educaterers, is designed to offer a range of 
healthy, nutritious foods and drinks at break and lunchtime

As pupils work hard in their studies and on the sports field, it's more important than ever to provide them with nutritious, healthy food that helps fuel them physically and mentally to achieve their goals. To contact the catering team directly, email refectory@houltonschool.org.uk

£3 to £4 per day is sufficient, and perhaps a little more if you wish to purchase a snack at morning break and/or before school as well. Our meal deals (by far the best value lunch option and a good idea for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals to ensure they receive the most for their allowance) are under £3 - see latest menus and prices below.

Breakfast is served in the refectory every day before school. At morning break there are a range of hot brunch foods, savoury snacks, sandwiches and bakery items, fresh fruit and soft drinks for sale. Food can also be purchased at break to eat during lunchtime activities.

Our school operates a cashless payment system where parents and carers add credit through ParentPay.

We do not accept cash payments in the Refectory. School meals are provided by an external provider; therefore, pupils will only be allowed to go into debt for one day before service may be refused and families will need to provide a packed lunch until the balance is cleared.

The cashless payment system that operates at all our service points means that children who are receiving free school meals will not stand out from the crowd. First, check if you qualify, then register by clicking here
